Teaching Voice/Body

“When I first started working with Tatyana Tenenbaum, I had no idea just how deep and personal this project was. To throw shame out the window and move with all the muscle memories you carry. Experiencing vibrations in one’s own body, in others, in your feet, and in the environment intuitively all felt surreal…”

-Amanda Hergn, Oberlin College Winter Term Student

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Revelatory Vibration Workshop

In this work, culled from years of personal excavation, I guide us in mapping our voices through the energetic and vibrational pathways of our bodies. We will utilize gentle touch as a feedback mechanism for sensing and feeling movement, informed by years of practice in Contact Improvisation forms, Somatic lineages and encounters with modalities such as Feldenkrais and Craniosacral Therapy. Participants are always welcome to use imagination or utilize self-touch for any exercises. This work may yield wild movement potential— or something more interior, yet vast! This workshop is geared toward those excited to expand possibilities of a moving-singing body, and for those who don’t yet know how to get started. We will regard each body as its own expert, making room for doubt and interrogation along the way. How can we amplify and tune our connection to movement, space, and one another through shared vibrations? We will meet one another where we are, encouraging multiplicity and collective discovery. This work has been healing for me and I love sharing it with others.

Photos by Anna Maynard, School for Contemporary Dance & Thought


Movement Research (Ongoing Faculty)
Temple University
Oberlin College
Lawrence University
School for Contemporary Dance & Thought
Brooklyn Studios for Dance
Earthdance Moving Arts Lab
Trinity/La MaMA Program
Gabriela Figueroa’s Improvisation Boot Camp
School for Contemporary Dance & Thought
Bureau of General Services – Queer Division

I am available for one-on-one vocal coaching, or may be able to recommend you to others who do similar work.  Contact me directly.


“[Tatyana] led participants in observing their own breathing, the breath of others, and the physical sensation of breath and movement. It was like the voice class you initially hated in college because you were convinced the teacher was always unprepared and was just making you lie on the floor to eat up class time, but then you realized its immense value during the last part of the year when the class all came together and made sense. For those of you who have experienced that class before, here is your second chance. For those of you who haven’t (and on whom this example is completely lost), keep an open mind and dive in.”

-Caitrin Sneed from her article on Brooklyn Studios for Dance

“Tatyana led us through a series of exercises and improvisational scores intended to fuse sound, sensation, movement and vocalization. We were working with “crossing modalities,” she told us. Cross-wiring our sorting of sensory information and cross-referencing ways of perceiving and ways of knowing.  The result was potentially the most unique and engaging score I experienced in this whole series. I traced my spread fingers through the air because of the sound of the fan blowing through the room. I hummed because of the sensation of the puffy mats against my bare feet. I interacted with other bodies in the space as fluidly as if they were my other limbs.”

-Sophie Sotsky in her article on the series “What is Queer Performance?”